The Italians mix hot chocolate and coffee together to make Barbajada. When you use a chocolate-flavored Lancaster County Coffee Roasters’ blend, such as CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY, SWISS MOCHA ALMOND, WHOOPIE PIE, MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP, or even HAWAIIAN CHOCOLATE NUT, you can skip the hot cocoa but still get all the decadent chocolatey flavor.
To make 2 cups of Barbajada, use 1 cup of hot, strongly brewed, chocolate-flavored coffee from Lancaster County Coffee Roasters. Add 4 Tbs of sugar to 1 cup of milk and mix well. Heat until steaming hot but not boiling.
Add hot, sweetened milk to the hot coffee, and top with your choice of whipped cream, marshmallow fluff, or marshmallows. Garnish with mini chocolate chips and a drizzle of chocolate syrup, and enjoy!
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Coffee recipe