in Lancaster County
About Us
We’ve been small batch roasting quality coffees in Lancaster, Pennsylvania for over a decade now. Whether it be our Vintage Blend, Lancaster Blend, or our ever popular Starbarn Blend – you know you’ll be enjoying a handcrafted cup of coffee every time.
We’re from a community where “made well” matters. Lancaster’s deep traditions of handcrafted quality, appreciation of the harvest and respect for the farmer are in every handful of beans we roast. We’re a family committed to these traditions.
A family owned business, Lancaster County Coffee Roasters endlessly pursues their passion for the perfect cup. It starts with sourcing the best beans from communities around the globe. We then carefully prepare them, achieving the desired roast. The result? A culinary delight that we hope reminds you of Lancaster County.

Our Coffee is...
Prepared in Small Batches
Hand Blended
Hand Packed
Packaged "Hot"
Sourced from Small Farms

Our Company Is
Family Owned
Customer Focused
Coffee Lovers
Hard Working
Continually Growing